Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mosque in a Night...


Well, here I am...Back after a busy month or so...Let us continue our journey towards the magnet. Ofcourse, the magnet will guide and also paradoxically obstruct us...

Masjid tou banaa di shab bhar mein,
Emaan ki haraarat waalon ne...
Mann apna purana paapi tha,
Barson mein namazi ban na sakaa !!!

Now, Dr. Iqbal has left this to us..."What is significant : religiousness or religion ?"
That's the entire sufi philosophy in a nutshell...

Baba Bulleh Shah Ji has also said:

Ikko Alif Teray Darkaar, Ilmoon Bass Karein O Yaar...
(One Alif (refers to Allah) is all you need, my friend ! Forget the pride in your knowledge...)

In upcoming posts, I'll share some more by Baba Bulleh Shah, my guide...


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