Hello viewers,
Today "Magnet" channel brings you live to this rare occasion. On huge public demand, we have our esteemed guest
Khwaab sahib... Despite his busy schedule, he has very kindly consented to be here with us today. Let us head straight towards him... Over to your host,
Mr. JunooN...JunooN: Khush-aam-deed viewers and Salaam Alaikum Khwaab sahib ... Long since you were last seen... Infact; hope, happiness, life, art... we all missed you a lot ! Where have you been all these days ?
Khwaab: Wa Alaikum Salaam. Well, am sorry... maiN kuchh
masroof rahaa pichhley dinoN. Issi liye khairiyat jaan ne bhi naa aa sakaa. I did hear that Mr. Circumstances went against you and you guys are quarrelling a lot nowadays..? What's the matter..?
JunooN: ahh. Yeah, but I succumbed to certain wounds I had got long ago. And now, I am having a little indifferent view towards Mr. Circumstances. Moreover, Miss Life seems to be with me now, after a while and am more than glad for this. Anyways, you were after Miss
Taabeer, any progress ?
Khwaab: As I had told you in an earlier conversation,
"Mujhe zindagi saaf dhuNdlii dikhaayi daetii hai... Kuchh dhuwaaN-sa shayad dard ki tasveer chhupaaye baitha hai...". This makes me feel that
Taabeer is like somebody's
Sanaa or in simple words, a serene dream that can't come true. I have started to believe that realisation of a dream is itself a dream that can't get realised..!
JunooN: Sounds deep, Sir. But, don't you feel that the canvas of your thoughts has begun to have shades of pessimism ?
Khwaab: Well, you can coin any term for this, but when Miss Life reigns, we all have to just salute to her will. I tried to resist initially, but got shattered. Thus, retaliation is of no u
se. JunooN: But Sir, they say you need to help yourselves before life or God helps you...
(Himmati da himaayeti Rabb !) . If we just sit back and watch Miss Life's ways, won't that be giving no chance to
Allah miyaaN to come to our rescue ?
Khwaab: Bhai jaan, I am trying to recollect my scattered bits and pieces. My role is just like that of a function in a large computer program. I know my next steps, but am unaware of my part in the large program's purpose in entirety.
JunooN: We all had lots more to ask. But, since the clock doesn't stop ticking...I'll quickly handover the mic to our studio audience for a small interrogation session.
From the Audience ...Miss Anxiety: Aadaab ! Khwaab sahib. I am usually attributed as your consequence. Do you also think Dreams imply Anxiety ? In that case, I think we should give ourselves a chance to know each other since we seem to form a superb match ..
? Khwaab: Ohh... So, you are here too, miss ! You have a valid query as far as people's perspective is concerned. But, am afraid I disagree. Did I ever call you where I went to ? As per my memory books, no ! I never saw you spy and follow me too. I usually go to introduce people to Mr. HardWork, Mr. Honesty, Mr. CanDo and the likes, not to you Miss. Am sorry !
Miss Pain: Sir, by my very nature I go on to unintentionally hurt people at times. Aren't you supposed to help them then ? It is usually seen you don't pay a visit when I am around ? Am I repulsive for you,
Sahib ? Do you think am just meant to be cursed ?
Khwaab: I wonder we have different lifestyles but can co-exist. As is evident from the fact, whenever you have paid a visit to great poets, composers, artists; they have met me in their respective domains and portrayed exceptional artworks. So, you have been playing an 'inspiring' role, to say the least. You are not meant to be cursed. You have been sent here for a reason that we might not comprehend, as such...
Allah miyaaN has His ways, queer though ..!
JunooN: Sorry to interrupt, dear congregation ! I was having a wonderful time, too, listening to those enlightening words. But; when Mr. Time sings aloud, we have to calmly listen and applaud. Before that, kindly give a much deserved, huge round of applause to JunooN sahib, for sparing his priceless time to come here and be our
Shukriyaa for watching. Feedbacks Awaited ..!
I would like to make a special mention of our dedicated design artist, Mr. Dheeraj Gupta... He is the source of all designing and graphics marvels, you are seeing on our sets...
Shab-ba-Khair... Khuda Hafiz ..!